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What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

A Neighbourhood Plan is a new way for local people to influence the planning and development of the area in which they live and work. Its planning horizon is the next 10 years or so and should:


  • Develop a shared vision for the community

  • Influence the design of all new developments

  • Identify and protect important green spaces and other community assets

Following a successful referendum and subsequent adoption by Broadland District Council, the Neighbourhood Plan will become part of the statutory development plan for the district, meaning it will be one of the main considerations when considering planning applications in the parish. It is also worth noting that by having an adopted Neighbourhood Plan, the parish will qualify for a greater share of the government’s levy on all new developments in the parish.

We can influence development, not stop it altogether!

Our Neighbourhood Plan must comply with Broadland District Council’s Local Plan and the government’s wider policies for sustainable development. Seeking to prevent all development is likely to be unsustainable in the light of demographic changes and, in any case, would do little for the future vitality of the parish. Having a Neighbourhood Plan will, however, help ensure that any future developments are suitable and meet our needs. It will also help us identify the facilities, amenities and services that need to be in place to meet current and forecast needs of the community.

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